[ SOLVED ] cannot find strip library required for object file stripping in arch linux

Are you getting this error while using the command makepkg in ArchLinux.

"==> ERROR: Cannot find the strip binary required for object file stripping."

It is easy to fix, just install the "binutils" package.

Go to your terminal and type

$ sudo pacman -S binutils

or if you are root just

# pacman -S binutils

If you then hit the error message

"make: command not found
==> ERROR: A failure occurred in build().

It's because you don't have the the program make, also it needs the gc compiler, guile, and probably libatomic_ops

Install them just by tiping

$ sudo pacman -S make

Then make will pull its dependencies and install the rest of the packages needed.

Now, go back to your first command you typed "makepkg" and makepkg will find the strip binary for the creation of the package.

Thanks for your visit.


  1. thank you very much whoever did this blogpost omg i really fucking love you so much mate

  2. Thank you so so much You have solve my problem on my lovely manjaro

  3. Nice thanks for posting <3

  4. Thanks a lot! In case the pacman -S make doesnt solve the build issues, you may need to explicit install gcc
